
Calculate properties of avalanches. - Measure at different times compared to an arbitrary reference time. - Avalanches are measured along ranmdomly chosen lines.

usage: Thermal_EnsembleAvalanches_chord [-h] [--develop] [-v] [-f] [-o Path]
                                        --xc float [--tau float float float]
                                        [--skip float] [--bins int]
                                        [--means int]

Positional Arguments#


EnsembleInfo: read files

Named Arguments#


Allow uncommitted

Default: False

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-f, --force

Overwrite existing file

Default: False

-o, --output

Output file

Default: EnsembleAvalanches_chord.h5


Gap in P(x) -> tau_alpha = exp(x_c^alpha / T)


logspace tau (units of tau_alpha)

Default: [-5, 0, 51]


Consider independent measurement after t = skip tau_alpha

Default: 2


Number of bins P(S), P(A), P(ell)

Default: 60


Compute <S, A, ell>**(i + 1) for i in range(means)

Default: 4

See also: depinning_creep_2024.Thermal.EnsembleAvalanches_chord()